WARNING - Check How your website is doing!

15th April, 2009

I was sent a link by one of our Twitter followers to a great website today - Hubspot's Website Grader. The site allows you to check how your website is performing from an SEO perspective as well as allowing you to see how your competitors are doing. But most importantly it's free!

The report is quite detailed and gives you a score out of 100 and I'm pleased to say that the Nexus website scores at 94/100 and the summary reads as follows:

"A website grade of 94/100 for www.nexusdp.co.uk means that of the hundreds of thousands of websites that have previously been evaluated, our algorithm has calculated that this site scores higher than 94% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness. The algorithm uses a proprietary blend of over 50 different variables, including search engine data, website structure, approximate traffic, site performance, and others.

The website www.nexusdp.co.uk ranks 53,039 of the 900,860 websites that have been ranked so far."

Once you have checked your site grade then check out your competitors and just consider whether you need to do more to stay ahead. If you do then we would be happy to help.

Jason Edge

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